The only good counterfeit ones are the ones that you can test on the spot prior to purchase... carefully check and be certain of the product prior to making a purchase. This concept applies to any SE accessories you plan on buying. Dont fall for the Ebay trick unless the seller has very good ratings over the things he/she sells. Would you simply trust a website's words of authenticity rather than have the thing on your hands to test/check/feel/compare? It's your call.
Yeah, batteries can be sketchy. It's a risk that I'm willing to bypass. No batteries off of ebay for me! Better safe than sorry. I wouldn't want the phone bursting out a jet of flames next to my face (despite highly unlikely)
Sad but true.
You're always at a risk whenever you deal with money virtually online... the best recommendation is to find a dealer at your local store and buy it only after you're satisfied with it (besides you can always return back to them and complain) and the low-down is, you're gonna have to deal with it should something you purchase online doesn't work as you expect it to be.
i don't agree with naith_kk. i always buy products online, which i think is convient and avoid annoying bargain.some online sellers are worth reliable! i always buy electronic products on this wholesaler. i am feeling very good! they also have all brands cell phone batteries, someone not believe in can go to looking around!
Ebay is always dodgey. I would pay the money for something i know is original. Unlike EBay you never know
Please dont confuse Online Wholesale retailers and Online traders... they are different. Wholesale retailers are like in the real world: Supermarkets/Shops where you can buy the goods and know that there is a shop you can always return to when there's a problem... while Online traders are like people who try to sell you a product on the street and by the time you realize there's some problem with the product, you have difficulty in finding the bugger that sold it to you.
To me both are risky because some internet wholesale sites "can" close down but that is not as frequent as an Ebay seller that sells you something then when you're not satisfied with your product starts flaming in the review section that you're the one that spoiled his product after using it...
Last edited by naith_kk; 11-09-2007 at 11:17 PM.
If you buy on eBay, make sure you buy from real stores with reputation and always check references. Don't EVER buy from private single sellers or newly built stores, unless you know what you are doing. The risks of getting a fake battery are huge. This is valid (even more) for memory cards. I'd rather pay 5 bucks more and get something decent.
better not to jeopodize your life as those fake batteries can cause a lot problems. We have seen batteries kidding. Save a few coffees for an OEM battery.
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